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Journey Jottings
Sign up for weekly Journey Jottings to learn about what's going on at the Journey, upcoming events, and ways to get involved in our ministries. Jottings are sent every Thursday by our Information Manager, Glenda Faus. You may receive periodic emails about important church business and weather closures. You may update your information or unsubscribe at any time if needed.
If you have an announcement you would like included in Jottings and our worship program, please let Glenda know by Wednesday evening.
We do have a "Connect with the Community" section in our Jottings where we feature local ministry/ church events or activities with our partner ministries/churches. If you would like this included, please feel free to contact us. Please note these items are published at the Journey's discretion.
If you have questions about our ministries, events or encounter problems with the Jottings/prayer emails, please contact Glenda.
Your privacy is important to us. Please know we will never or sell or share your information with third parties or voracious penguins. We will also not SPAM you, especially with really cool cat pics.